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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will you have an online store up and running?
    Soon! The Recycled Abstract web store should be online in Q2 2022. The store will include the ability to purchase original works, prints as well as Recycled Abstract merchandise. In the meantime it is still possible to transact via peer to peer payment apps like PayPal and Venmo.
  • Do you do make commissioned or custom pieces?
    I am happy to discuss potential commission pieces and custom design projects. Commissioned pieces can be done for much larger scale projects as well as custom designing pieces for specific spaces like homes, offices and businesses. These projects can be designed around specific color themes, subject matter and Recycled Abstract series to create a truly unique space or conversation piece.
  • How frequently to you create new pieces?
    I'm constant envisioning new ideas and series and new pieces are are being started almost weekly. While we try to upload these to the website or social media, there can be long period where works are not posted as a series develops.
  • What are Recycled Abstract pieces made of?
    Most R.Tucker Recycled Abstract pieces are made from recycled rolled magazines, paper products and packaging. While the pieces are not made of 100% recycled materials, I look to recycle and repurpose as much as I can. This includes sourcing old magazines from donations and sites like Craigslist and OfferUp, and when I find them, unique frames from places like Goodwill.
  • How durable are the paper-based pieces?
    Most R.Tucker Recycled Abstract pieces are constructed of recycled paper and magazines and mounted on construction paper or foamboard. While many of the pieces have an additional layer of clearcoat to increase the durability, if placed in direct light the paper will fade over time. While some like the idea that the pieces can naturally evolve over a long period to have a more vintage paper look, it is best to keep the magazine pieces out of direct light if the desire is to maintain the piece close to its original color.
Frequently Asked Questions

Recycled Abstract

Reginald D. Tucker
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@2022 by Recycled Abstract. Web by nessy-design

I’d love to hear from you!
Whether you’re interested in a custom commission, have questions about my work, or just want to say hello, please get in touch.
Let’s explore how we can create something extraordinary together.

Thanks for your interest!

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